Archeage map nuia
Archeage map nuia


And XL treats the north american and european versions of the game extremely bad. Trion, the North American publisher of the game admits to having no actual control over any content that gets pushed into the region. The amount of randomness required to progress your character are so prehistoric its like being vaulted back into 2005.


Played since 2014, game is a terrible pay to win Korean grind mmo, that has no actual content expansions per patch that give the game any Played since 2014, game is a terrible pay to win Korean grind mmo, that has no actual content expansions per patch that give the game any sense of longevity past the initial week of the patches release. All in all, it's not something I see spending money on. Of course, all this is moot anyway, since the game has been down for server maintenance for the last 16 hours. Once you get past the 4 minute login again, there is a better chance you will get to see the cutscene again. Any quest involving a cutscene in the towns just kicks you out of the game due to the serious amount of lag. Some of them became targetable before they appeared, but others didn't. What this meant was after the 4 minute process of logging into the game I had to wait another 3 to 10 minutes for actual npc characters to load. The one time I was able to overcome the lag enough to target anything in the mob it said I had targeted a 'lvl40 practice dummy'. But in the zone I started in, there are huge numbers of high lvl players fighting right next to three of the npcs needed for the starting quests. I like the look of the characters, I like the look of the game. I like the look of the characters, I like the Read a review of this in a Gaming magazine and decided to try it out based on that review. Read a review of this in a Gaming magazine and decided to try it out based on that review. but I should never have to feel that way with an MMO I am paying for. archeage might be a good game to play if I could host it privately. In light of this, I have to lower my rating. People are spending money on this game and not seeing much of an improvement or even apology. This has led many people to feel cheated. Responses from trion have not really improved either. Updates often take far longer than they should, and more than once a large number of people have been unable to login, giving a lucky few who could log in a large edge. The game works well once you can get online, but odd lag spikes and client side crashes are common. Technical issues have plagued archage since release. However, while these developments are praise worthy, I feel it may be too late. I personally have seen GM's booting bots and there are rumors they are seeking permission from XLgames (the game's owner) to ditch the current firewall for a better one. Server ques are less common, a report feature has been added, and public channel chat is no longer allowed until lvl 15. To their credit, I can say that trion has now made an attempt to fight back. Many players are already talking about "trade runs" not being an effective way to make gold soon. The economy has been hit hard and fast, with inflation having risen greatly in a matter of months. These reports of botting and poor responses from Trion are completely factual.

archeage map nuia

The game has been affected by an early history of cheaters. While the game is smallish compared to some others, it has potential and could have easily overcome this.A good team would have added just the right touch. It's major vice however, has to be it's poor management.

archeage map nuia

Groups of people often camp towns in attempt to pick off lower lvl players, since there is no penalty for doing so. PVP is more of a gank fest, with skill combos designed to take down a player's health while they are stunned. Archeage gives the impression that large scale sea battles would be possible, but really, 4 or 5 ships traveling about are quite easily noticed. I've talked to a number of people in and out of game and lots of them feel that the sea is a bit smaller than they'd prefer. This lack of land is not just about the house space. It can feel too small for it's player base at times.


It's even fully accessible to free players as paid players can share their property. As long as you have a few friends to game with, it can be pretty fun. Game offers many things to do and rewards players for grouping up to achieve goals, be that building a house or questing. Controls are not clunky and it has a smooth camera too. The cash shop is important, but does not notably push players into using it like others might. The cash shop is important, but does not notably push players As a far as the game goes, Archeage is fairly polished for a korean ported MMO. As a far as the game goes, Archeage is fairly polished for a korean ported MMO.

Archeage map nuia